Composite Soil Testing
Why Soil Test?
One of the largest input costs producers face year after year is fertilizer application. Proper soil tests are vital to determine crop needs. There are important factors to consider throughout the soil testing process.
In Field Testing
360° Ag Consulting uses geo-referenced soil test points that are determined in the field by an experienced agronomist. Customers are given the geo-referenced border with exact acres of the fields as well as an overlay of where and how many points have been taken in each field. Past cropping history is also taken into consideration and fields are split and tested separately to accommodate changes in fertility uptake differences between crops. Aerial imagery is also used to help pinpoint any issues or areas in the field that may be problematic.
Lab Tests
It is important to know what tests will be conducted prior to testing. Organic matter is a very important consideration for determining your soil type and how much nitrogen may be released by your soil. All of 360° Ag Consulting soil tests include a standard OM test. It is also important for clients to have an idea of the crop type they are planning to seed as this will determine the micro nutrients that should be tested as well.
Having your results come back in a form that is suited to your operation can be a principle benefit of the soil testing process. A large number of factors should determine the amount of fertilizer that can be safely applied. These factors cannot be easily placed into a computer program and come out with a basic fertility recommendation. A qualified agronomist will take into consideration factors such as yield goals, variety, seeding equipment and past crop history to provide an optimum return on investment, tailored to your operation.